About Me

Hello & Welcome! I am Ankit Chopade.

I am scientist with big interest in how data shapes our lives. I mainly work on Bioinformatics (applying computational methods to help scientists to understand the genomic causes to diseases such us Cancer ) but curious to all fields where data has big impact.

During my scientific journey I learned a lot of concepts and developed a lot of skills, such us : Deep Learning, Machine Learning, Data Science, Computer Vision, Data Structure & Algorithms,Tensorflow.

I am curious and a compulsive scientific book buyer because I am a lifelong learner and believe that everyday there are tons of new things we can learn to be, even a bit, better than the person we were yesterday.

Who is "Data Scientist" ?

A data scientist turns raw data into valuable insights that an organisation needs in order to grow and compete. They interpret and analyse data from multiple sources to come up with imaginative solutions to problems.

… and Keep Smiling & Learning …

Education & Experiance

Aug, 2015 - May, 2019

Studied at Shri Guru Gobind Singhji Institute of Engineering and Technology

I have done my B.Tech in computer science and Engineering. Worked on various researches and projects.

Dec, 2018 - May, 2019

Worked as Data Scientist

Worked as Data Scientist at Fusion Informatics Limited. The internship provides me the hands-on experience in Python and SQL programming. My main responsibilities includes creating the machine learning models from unstructured data for Business problems and data visualisation. This experience is vital to me in solid understanding of the Industry.

June, 2019 - Present

Assistant System Engineer

I am working in TCS for Morgan Stanley in Morgan Stanley Investment Management project. Morgan Stanley is a leading global financial services firm providing a wide range of investment banking, securities, investment management and wealth management services. Mainly focused on SQl and Unix. Having a great experience in working for Morgen Stanley.

Extra and Co-carricular Activities
2017 - 2018

Official Head(President)

I was the president of Utsav 2018 a Cultural event of Shri Guru Gobind Singhji Institute of Engineering and Technology, Nanded. Responsible for all the activities of event. Managed more than 15 different teams and more than 500 students.I was the one of the most successful president untill.

2016 - 2017

Main Co-Ordinator of Food and Site Committee.

I was selected as the Main Co-ordinator of Food and Site comittee of Pragyaa 2017 a technical event of Shri Guru Gobind Singhji Institute of Engineering and Technology, Nanded. I was reponsible for total on-ground activities of event. I managed more than 150 volunteers.

2015 - 2016

Volunteer of Food and Site Committee

I was reposnsible for managing all the events activites conducted under the Pragyaa.


Seven Class Classification of Skin Lesions by using Incremental Convolutional Neural Network in Python
Classification of Skin Lesions by using Extended Incremental Convolutional Neural Network


Chennai Water Management
Analyzing Space Launches with Python
Paperless Submission

Recent Work

COVID-19 Predictions, Visualization, Comparison and Analysis

The COVID-19 (informally, 2019-nCoV) epidemic has become a global health emergency, as such, WHO declared PHEIC. China has taken the most hit since the outbreak of the virus, which could be dated as far back as late November by some experts. It was not until January 23rd that the Wuhan government finally recognized the severity of the epidemic and took a drastic measure to curtain the virus spread by closing down all transportation connecting the outside world. In this study, we seek to answer a few questions: How did the virus get spread from the epicenter Wuhan city to the rest of the country? Are there differences in the epidemic development in different provinces and cities, if yes, how? To what extent did the measures, such as, city closure and community isolation, help handling the situation? More importantly, can we forecast any significant future development of the event? By collecting and visualizing publicly available data, we first show patterns and characteristics of the epidemic development; we then employ a mathematical model of infectious disease spreading to calculate some key indicators of the epidemic control, evaluate the effectiveness of some epidemic prevention and control measures, and finally, advise on public policies and living behaviors of the general public, in the mist of this historic event.


Comming Soon......


1-Introduction to Time Series and Forecasting
2-Statistics and Analysis of Scientific Data
3- Linear Algebra Done Right
4-Linear Algebra
6- Understanding Analysis
7-Understanding Statistics Using R
8- An Introduction to Statistical Learning
9-Statistical Learning from a Regression Perspective
11-Regression Modeling Strategies
12-A Modern Introduction to Probability and Statistics
13-The Python Workbook
14-Machine Learning in Medicine — a Complete Overview
15-Introduction to Data Science
16-Applied Predictive Modeling